Wednesday 9 May 2012

World’s biggest fear: Losing one’s mobile

Guess what's the biggest phobia in the world? It's nomophobia - the fear of being without your mobile, says a new study which has found that approximately 66% of people are affected by it. 

In fact, the number of people afflicted with nomophobia - 'no mobile phone phobia' - revealed in the study in the UK shows a rise from a similar research conducted four years ago, where 53% of people admitted the fear of losing their phone. 

In the latest study, of the 1,000 people surveyed in the UK, 66% said they felt the fear, the 'Daily Mail' newspaper reported. 

Young adults - aged between 18 and 24 - tended to be the most addicted to their mobile phones, with 77% unable to stay apart for more than a few minutes, and those aged between 25 and 34 followed at 68%. The study showed that people on average check their phone 34 times a day, and 75% of us use the phone in the bathroom - with many people saying it is the modern equivalent of the newspaper. 

Andy Kemshall, co-founder of SecurEnvoy that commissioned the study, "A reversal on the 2008 findings is that, back then, it was men that were more afflicted yet today it's women. I'd be inclined to draw the conclusion that, perhaps because more men have two phones, they're less likely to misplace both and therefore be left phoneless." 

Other findings showed that, even if 49% of people get upset if their messages and texts were viewed by a partner, most don't bother with securing our mobile phones, with only 46% of them using some kind of lock code, and just 10% adding encryption to their data. Kemshall added, "With 58% of the respondents using at least one device for business use, this lack of security is a worrying trend that needs addressing."

Via : timesofindia.indiatimes

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